It is so hard to believe that 7 years ago we
welcomed the most special blessing
of all into our lives.
Nathan Ryan Williamson
7.1 lbs. 21 inches long
Today he's truly made us so proud of the
little man he's become.
He's so tender hearted, compassionate,
and mindful of others' feelings.
And he's always amazed us with his big, gigantic heart.
We love you Nate! Cant wait to see what God
does with your life in the future!
You've truly blessed ours!
Happy 7th Birthday!
I also must mention, the song that is playing
holds a special place in our familys' heart.
When Nate was 3, he memorized every word
to this song while Britt was on a mission trip,
and would sing it constantly....
to hear him sing it would bring tears to our eyes.
And to this day, it remains "our song" as a family,
because how true it is,
"How GREAT is our God!"