Monday, December 13, 2010

Twelve Days til Christmas!

Today the kids and I stayed warm and cozy inside
making a 12 days til Christmas Chain!

Cooking Fun!

What do you do with out of date spices???

You let the kids cook a gourmet meal!

If your kids are like mine,

they LOVE to be in the kitchen "helping" mom,

so instead of them "helping" me,

I like to get them busy with their own recipe creations!
They have so much fun experimenting
with all the different color spices and smells... Good times!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mary was just like me...

The other night I was driving home from my parents' house after having one of those difficult days as a stay at home mother... I'm sure all mom's know what kind of day I'm talking about..

the kind of day where you're exhausted... mentally...wondering if you're being the kind of mother God would be proud of...questioning if you're doing your kids more harm than good by staying at home with them... hoping by some small chance that you're teaching them all the things their little minds need to know...

I was having that kind of day.

But, as I was driving, I was also listening to the new Christmas Cd that my precious mother had put together for me and this song came on that caught my was a song written about Mary, the mother of Jesus, and what she may have been thinking or feeling when she was carrying our Savior in her womb.

Can you even fathom the idea of having the responsibility of carrying the Savior of the world in your womb? Of having the responsibility of caring for him and raising him...this precious child that would soon die for us and be raised from the dead? Can you imagine what thoughts must have went through her head and the pressure she must have felt?

You know, Mary too, was just like us. She was human. I'm sure, she too, must have felt overwhelmed at times. Afraid, stressed, unworthy...I'm sure she felt the same pressures and insecurities we all feel as mothers...

As I drove home that night, I know that song wasn't a coincidence for me to hear. I felt God reassuring me that as mothers, we all have those moments when we're a little shaken, a little overwhelmed... moments of insecurity trying to creep upon us...

But, the most important thing, I believe, he wants us to remember is.... He didn't ask us to take this huge responsibility on by ourselves...he asked us to love and care for our children, but doing so by relying on him. When those overwhelming and stressful times come, as we all know they will, we can always call on him to help us through!

Remember to call on Him for your strength....

Love ya'll! Strive to be Different!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Learn by Example

We had the best Sunday school lesson this week, or I guess I should say, discussion... and I thought I would share a little bit with you!

With Christmas approaching, I, and I'm sure most of you, have been trying to think of some ways to teach my children about giving and being humble, especially this time of year. I've actually been racking my brain trying to think of a needy family we could help so I could teach my children that it's not all about them..... Well, in our discussion, during Sunday school, a very awesome point was brought to my attention.... Our children don't need some extraordinary experience, to teach them to give and be humble..... they need to see it through us on a daily basis! They need to learn by example, seeing Christ in us, everyday!

Awesome point isn't it?!

Although Jesus says we are to give and this time of year is especially important to do so.... it should be instilled in our children, through us, on a daily basis.... not just Christmas.

Give daily...sacrificially...daily

Love that!

Love ya'll! Strive to be different!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Joseph and Mary

Lastnight Britt and I were sitting in the living room talking when two of our favorite people came to show us what they were playing....
complete with "pom pom" hay....
and no help from us....
this brought tears to our eyes...
"We couldn't have asked for a more special gift Lord..."

Joseph, Mary, and Baby Jesus

Joseph leading Mary on the donkey into Bethleham

Had to get this shot of Mary...
Isn't she beautiful?
Maggie also suprised us by telling us the story of
Baby Jesus being born, I got her to share it with you :)