Daddy's Little Girl....
My daddy is and has to be one of the strongest, hardest working men I've ever known. Then back in 1996, after he had been suffering from severe exhaustion, our family was given some of the most confusing, yet heart wrenching news ever, he was diagnosed with Hepatitis C. Which he had contracted from a blood transfusion back in the 80's before they tested the blood donated.
The doctors gave us little information, yet little hope on his prognosis. I think now, because they just didn't know enough about the disease at that time. Now, many years later, our worst nightmare is unfolding before our eyes each and every day....
I've had to watch the strongest man I know begin to weaken and diminish before me. We always knew that the disease would eventually gain control over his life, but we as a family, had always held onto the hope that he would beat this and if not he could atleast receive a liver transplant and live through this!
As the days unfold and he gets weaker by the day, we've begun to realize his days are becoming increasingly difficult for him to get through. Confusion and weakness has taken a tole on his body and the doctors offer little hope for his future.
As his little girl, my daddy has always been my hero. To watch him go through the pain and see the suffering in his eyes is almost unbearable for a little girl to watch. I value each and every day that I have with him and hold each moment we share dear to my heart....
I pray for God's peace as we go through this journey with him and I pray that as his little girl that I will be able to bear the pain and suffering he has to endure and help him find comfort in our Lord, as only He can give us all through this......
I love you daddy......
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