Today was Pill Packing Day at Providence
getting ready for the summer mission trip
to Nicaragua...
outside while the grown ups packed pills:)
to fill over 25,000 prescriptions!
they will see thousands of people who desperately
need medical care....
together each year to pre pack the prescriptions
in order to save time in Nicaragua... in turn
it allows the medical team to see more patients
in order to see a doctor and will stand in line for hours
to wait their turn...
prescription if needed and a
Bible in their own translation...

We had a couple of visitors while
we were pill packing today as well!
Mr. Eric found these two, cute little bunnies
outside the church where they were doing some work!
We think they may be lost, but we returned them
safely where they were found in hopes their mommy
might come back for them later?
I'm sure "someone" will be checking on them tommorow
just to make sure:)
Such a lonnnng day, but such a blessed day! I pray for the mission team that will be leaving in July for Nicaragua... I pray God will give them strength, patience, and unending love for the people there. I also pray for the peoples' lives that will be touched by them... I pray God will open the hearts and ears of the people to hear His Word and that lives will be forever changed and saved by His grace!
So Blessed....Love ya'll! Strive to be Different!
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