Oh God's Church today is greatly distressing me!
I was just telling Britt yesterday that I get so tired of waiting on His Church to wake up and get serious about Him!
And I know, I've been there, we all have, when we were just playing church. We just showed up because it was the right thing to do or so that we wouldn't have a guilty conscious for the rest of the week..... I've been there.
But nothing breaks my heart more than to see the same people in His Church come in day after day with no spark or fire for the Lord our Jesus. You can just tell that there is no desire to grow anymore in their walk, they're completely content to live just the way they are..... Stale..Tired....
There's something wrong with that church.
If you're not growing as a Christian and not desiring a closer relationship with God, then you might want to check your priorities at the door. I was telling Britt, too, that oh, if we would just get down on our knees more as a body of believers and cry out to Him! What awesome changes we would see in the lives of His people! You don't see that anymore in the Church. People have forgotten how to fall on their knees before the Lord and pray. It's really sad to me.
One of my favorite books of the Bible is Acts because it facinates me to see how the first church devoted themselves to one another and to the Lord.
"They joined with the other believers and devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship. Sharing in the Lord's Supper and prayer." Acts 2:42
"And all the believers met together constantly and shared everything they had. They sold their possessions and shared the proceeds with those in need. They worshiped together in the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord's Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity- all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their group those who were being saved." Acts 2:43-47
Now, what would happen if we were to follow the ways of the church in Acts? The real way God intended Church to be.
There's going to be a rude awakening for "so called" Christians today if we don't start getting serious about the Lord and His Church. A Church should be striving to win lost souls for the Lord, growing continuously in His Word, have a fire for the Lord that can not be contained! Meeting together, loving eachother, and praying together.
What does your church look like?
I encourage God's Church to rekindle that flame for Him. Take the time to humble yourselves before the Lord, fall on your knees and cry out to Him, plead with Him for deliverance! Now is the time to get serious about Him and His Church!
Love ya'll!
Strive to be Different!
Cherry Dump Cake
8 years ago
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