Saturday, June 19, 2010

My Daddy

I remember when I was a little girl, daddy always combed my hair because I wouldn't let anyone else touch it. I remember watching out the window for his truck to come driving up from work, so I could run out to greet him. I remember as soon as he sat down, I wanted to be the one to take his boots off from a hard days' work! I remember him working all day and on into the night just to put food on the table. I remember every morning when I got up, I would have to sit in his lap while he ate breakfast before he left for work. I remember as soon as he walked in the door from work, I would have to tell on mom for everything she did that day!:)

I remember the day I got married, before I walked down the isle, him taking my hand in his and welling up with tears because he thought I was so beautiful.

I remember after giving birth to my first born, him being the first one to be there if I ever needed any help. I remember him always drying my tears and telling me everything was going to be alright.

I remember anytime I had to be in the hospital for anything, he would always be sitting right next to me throughout the whole process.

I remember when we went into the ministry and we didn't have a dollar to our name, him always telling me, "whatever money I have, is your money too!" He would never let us do without.

I remember just the other day I went out to my parent's house crying hysterically about something, and the moment he saw me, he wrapped his arms around me and reassured me.... everything's going to be ok.

I love you daddy. Thank you for always wiping away my tears and encouraging me through the tough times. Thank you for wrapping your arms around me and loving me unconditionally. You're a special man to me. I will always cherish the memories and look forward to many more with you!

Happy Father's Day!

your little girl

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