Monday, February 15, 2010


Brokenness... Have you ever been truly broken?

Have you ever been at that point in your life where all you knew to do was to fall on your knees and cry out to God in complete and utter desperation?!! At a point where you weeped before the Lord and pleaded for His grace because you couldn't put one more foot in front of the other! Have you ever been truly broken before Him?

We had the chance to discuss brokenness in Sunday school this week and one of the questions that was asked was, "What is something that holds you back from experiencing brokenness before the Lord?" Answers could range from all sorts of things...alcohol, drugs, friends, relationships, etc.... but one answer that someone gave caught my attention. They said that "trying to keep up their economic standard that they had set for themselves kept them from experiencing brokenness." I thought, "Wow, never thought of that as being something to keep you from brokenness, but how true it is!"

Alot of times we like to stay too busy, working our fingers to the bone to keep up our standard of living and ignore what God wants us to do.. "I'll just pretend I don't hear Him so that I don't have to give up my way of living or so I don't have to give up the plans I've made for my life." Sound familiar? It's much easier that way, isn't it?

But, God desires for all of us to come to a point of brokenness. That's exactly where He wants us to be! So, that He can finally use us the way He intended to! On our knees, crying out to Him, in utter desperation..... broken before Him.

Paul says, "I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I may have Christ, and become one with Him." Philippians 3:8

He's saying, everything else is garbage, junk, useless, compared to having a true relationship with Christ! So, all this other stuff we put ahead of Him, our work, our money, our plans for our own lives will soon fade away. None of it will matter, none of it!

So, my question to you is, "Have you ever been broken? Have you ever truly experienced brokenness before the Lord?" My prayer is that if you have, that you will continue to have those times of brokenness because that's where God needs you to be.

But, if you haven't, what's holding you back from experiencing brokenness?

Love ya'll! Strive to be Different!

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