Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rainy Day Bliss

Our Curriculum and Lesson Plans
We use an old antique Chalk Board for schooling, love it!

Nate doing his Copywork

He's doing really well! In kidergarten and reading from 1st grade level readers and almost done with his 1st grade Math book! That's the great thing about homeschooling, he can advance at his own pace.

Art work with Shapes

Our little Classroom

Our shape artwork, thought I did well! :)

They LOVE painting! A little messy, but so much fun!

Maggie's two and all of it!

Beautiful work Kiddos!

Waking up to the sound of rain is so comforting and soothing to the soul, then.... reality hits! I have two energetic little blessings that will be stuck inside all day to burn their energy on my clean house! What to do?!

No, really, today is going to be an exciting day in our house. We're all anticipating a joyful night of praising God with lots of unchurched kids who need to hear the Gospel! We're going to Youth Challenge at Camp Shelby tonight to share the Gospel and to lead the praise and worship time for these Youth. Pray for us as we find the courage and strength to go in there and share Jesus with them! We're also taking our little boy so that he can be a part of sharing the Gospel for the first time as well! Pray for him that he will be inspired and encouraged through this.

I haven't taken any new homeschooling pics this week, but thought I'd share the ones that I do have so that you can get an idea of what goes on around here:) Also, a few playdates and field trips as well! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Jamie, you're truly an inspiration. I admire all you do for your family, and you stay so organized while doing it. Thanks for the encouragement. I look forward to keeping up with your blog!
    -Melissa Kelly
