I'm so excited to be starting a blog for our family finally!
The reason I'm doing this blog is for several reasons..... The main one is that I want to be an encouragement to other stay at home mothers, pastor's wives, homeschooling mom's, and Christian Ladies trying to make a difference in this difficult culture today.
Going against the "norm" is so hard these days for Mom's who want to be at home with their children, raising them in a Godly home, and not putting them out there for society to raise. Our "norm" today is so different from what it used to be and what God says it should be. I wanted to create a blog for mom's who need to see that homeschooling your precious, little blessings from God is not always easy. There are difficult days and times that you just want to give up and go with the easy way out, send them to school! But, God wouldn't call you to do it, if He wasn't planning on walking you through it!
I also wanted to create this blog to encourage families today to be "different." I hear that word all the time about homeschooled kids and I used to get a little offended by it, but I've learned that God HAS called us to be different! It's now a compliment to my family and not an offensive statement.
I have to sadly say that our focus as Christians is sooo badly off for our children and our families that I can't imagine God being very happy with us. What other's think of us and what this world deems important has become our families' focus. That's why we, as a family, have made it a life ambition to serve God with "all" our hearts! To teach our children what is really important. To make sure they are grounded in the Word of God so that they can live a life that is pleasing to Him. And, most importantly, to teach them to be "different." Not of this world, but following Him with all their hearts. Deut. 6:4-9, Eph. 6:1-4
Love ya'll! You only get "one" chance! Make God smile:)
Cherry Dump Cake
8 years ago
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